Professional Braces Removal Services

By Certified Orthodontists

We Want to Make Your Life Easier

Braces and orthodontic appliance removal by trained professionals
Go back to chewing everything you couldn’t with braces
Live Life Smiling, with braces as your path to a brighter, confident grin!

Life Happens

We are certified orthodontists whose mission is to help patients by removing their braces in a safe, easy and affordable manner. Life happens when we are forced to move, we lose our job, unforeseen family circumstances or simply cannot afford the monthly orthodontic payments. Don’t worry. We are here to help by providing access to quality orthodontic removal care in a private practice setting. Simply select which services you would like, checkout and schedule a time to visit our trusted orthodontist to safely remove your braces and composite/glue.

Life Happens

We are certified orthodontists whose mission is to help patients by removing their braces in a safe, easy and affordable manner. Life happens when we are forced to move, we lose our job, unforeseen family circumstances or simply cannot afford the monthly orthodontic payments. Don’t worry. We are here to help by providing access to quality orthodontic removal care in a private practice setting. Simply select which services you would like, checkout and schedule a time to visit our trusted orthodontist to safely remove your braces and composite/glue.

Our services are developed and designed specifically for those who

How It Works

Select the orthodontic services that you would like
(ONLY FOR Greater Phoenix Residents)

Pay for the selected orthodontic services

Schedule your appointment online to have receive your orthodontic services
(braces removal, impressions for retainers, teeth whitening)


Braces/Frenos Removal (Upper & Lower Arches)


What is included in professionally removing your metal/ceramic braces

Clear Retainers
(Upper and Lower Teeth)


Clear Retainers
(Upper and Lower Teeth)


Clear Retainers BOTH ARCHES
(Upper and Lower Teeth)


Hawley (Acrylic/Wire) Retainers UPPER OR LOWER TEETH)


Hawley (Acrylic/Wire) Retainers UPPER OR LOWER TEETH)


Hawley (Acrylic/Wire) Retainers BOTH ARCHES (UPPER & LOWER TEETH)


Teeth Whitening Kit




Retainer Plan


Contact Info

Contact us today to start your journey towards a brighter smile!
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